Tuesday, February 5, 2013

more photos of Orlando Chujandama's Health Center, "Mushuk-Pakarena," House of the New Rising Sun.

Tambos for Dieta

Ceremony Maloka (now finished with side walls!)

Orlando Chujandama

Cacao drying in the village field

Daily catch in Orlando's stream.

Stream that flows around Orlando's center.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Yoga classes at Waves Studio

Starting January 13th, I will be leading a restorative Yoga class on Fridays at noon. This gentle, restorative practice is designed to cultivate flexibility, strength, confidence, and increased levels of bodily awareness. Classes run from an hour to 1 1/2 hours. $10 for students, $12 for the community.

Radiance health is in!


Saturday, November 5, 2011

Raw chocolate, herbalism, and super-food Salads Workshop Nov. 13th 5-8 P.M

Information about our workshop can be found here!


Hope you can arrive!


Thursday, May 26, 2011

Electromagnetic radiation

As your reading this, your field of awareness is being flanked by electromagnetic radiation which lay just beyond our bandwidth of perception. can you feel it? if not, heres some empirical evidence to quell the inplanted skepticism within. David wolfe, holistic health care affecionado, shows the effects of elctromagnetic radiation from common electric products..


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Llucayanacu and mushuk Pakarina- House of the New Rising Sun

I spent 5 weeks with Orlando Chujandama, in his home village of Llucayanacu, where he is building a health center (mushuk Pakarina- quechua for ¨house of the new rising sun¨). The village is 45 minutes down river from Chazuta, which is roughly and hour (depending on the road construction) from Tarapota, in the Northern Region of San Martin in Peru. Here are some immortilized moments i thought were worth sharing..

a typical visitor
Inca Kola O Agua? Inca Kola of course!
a typical situation on the Peruvian Andes roads.
ceremony room
chaculpa leaves
Orlandos Maloca and Kitchen (which blew over in a wind storm during my stay!)
a divine family member of the orchids
Ajo Sacha
rice and bananas, once a day, for 35 days.
Orlando Chujandama
Rainy departure from LLucayanacu back up the Huallga Rio towards Chazuta
back at orlandos home in Tarapoto

there was always a thunderstorm in the distance, but for the most part they seemed to skirt around Mushuk Pakarina.
To and from

Monday, May 23, 2011

gain news


for anyone who wants to take a break from the drama of world news and politics, heres a worthwhile media site which provides interesting stories about the leading edge sciences of human consciousness, as well as a multitude of other topics within the growing consciousness movement. peruse as you do :)

mycroremediation in Ecuador


Anyone interested in ecologically restoration, and particularly ecological restoration concerning the oil spills in the Amazon, should contact this amazing group!